Deceased Care Services
Phillips & Cohen Associates pioneered the compassionate deceased care recovery market and recognizes the critical impact this specialized service can have on our clients’ reputations. We are proud to be the world’s premier Deceased Account Care and Collection specialists – combining the expertise of knowledgeable in-house attorneys, sophisticated technical resources, analytical capabilities, and highly trained and experienced deceased recovery professionals.
Responsible Approach
Every component of our process is designed to enhance our clients’ reputations with the most respectful, understanding, and compassionate survivor contact practices in the recovery industry.
We focus recruiting and training efforts on ensuring that our deceased care specialists fully appreciate the integral role they play in an extremely sensitive process.
Phillips & Cohen Associates personnel possess the skills to successfully manage complex estate debt situations and resolve them in a manner that achieves our clients’ important financial goals, while preserving the dignity of affected individuals. Our professional staff is highly trained to address the questions raised by survivors, provide them with guidance and resources during a stressful time, and assist them successfully resolve estate debts owed to third parties.
We have established rigorous business practice and compliance standards, and implemented grief-training protocols for all our deceased account care specialists. Certified grief counselors are available for immediate transfer during calls to survivors in case their professional services are either required or helpful.
Working across multiple jurisdictions and industry categories, with access to the most accurate and comprehensive public and private databases, the Estate Services Group employs proprietary scoring models and analytic profiling tools to maximize return on investment for our customers.
EstateSource is our comprehensive estate location and recovery resource designed to proactively identify and protect creditor assets. As leaders in the deceased recovery industry, Phillips & Cohen Associates has access to the most current data concerning probate and estates in every jurisdiction in the United States. EstateSource™ leverages that data for our clients’ benefit.
EstateSource™ brings a variety of capabilities into a single program that employs sophisticated data analysis, performs multi-jurisdictional searches, files claims as appropriate, and manages claims processing through completion.
Phillips & Cohen Associates uses EstateSource™ to ensure that probated estates are identified in a timely manner and that claims are filed in accordance with all applicable laws. EstateSource™ offers a complete solution administered by a dedicated team of estate search specialists that is responsible for the entire process from identification to claim resolution.
Authorized Party ID™
Authorized Party ID is an EstateSource™ component that ensures contact with estate administrators, beneficiaries, or other responsible individuals is optimized and maintained in accordance with the latest expanded FTC guidelines.
Survivor Support
We offer the option of agentless transactions through Estate-Serve℠ for survivors who prefer to resolve an account with limited contact. Estate-Serve℠ is the first comprehensive online portal for consumers to manage their estate account. Estate-Serve℠ enables Executors, Administrators, and other authorized individuals to manage the estate process in a secure online environment. This proprietary system includes features such as authorized party confirmation, balance verification and complete account resolution while providing consumers access to important information and resources around the clock.
As leaders in compassionate recovery, Phillips & Cohen Associates, Ltd. has developed Estate-Serve℠ as a proactive solution to the increasing regulatory concerns of our clients. The system provides systematic compliance at every step of the process monitored by real-time analytics and interactive functionality. Estate-Serve℠ offers convenience, value and increased compliance to both Estate Managers and creditors.
Through all of our efforts, Phillips & Cohen Associates delivers a responsible and caring approach to the complex area of deceased care recovery because we understand that our clients’ reputations may be judged each and every time we contact a survivor.
Special Circumstances
We have the ability to proactively segregate accounts based on criteria that demand the highest level of sensitivity and respect for the special circumstances of the death, such as military service, a young person, or other circumstances as deemed appropriate. In these instances, we flag the account and partner with our client on a specialized treatment or closure strategy.
Data-Driven Decisions
The analytical side of our deceased account care process involves leveraging extensive proprietary databases to identify decedents and locate estates and survivors. We employ similar advanced technology to analyze existing client data to flag deceased account holders and segregate them for deceased account care. We offer cost-effective and proprietary technology solutions for identifying, categorizing, and prioritizing outstanding debt balances. Our scoring and modeling protocols have delivered impressive and measurable returns to our clients year after year.
Because of the sensitivity required to effectively approach survivors, Phillips & Cohen Associates has developed many of the innovations that define deceased account care services and we remain committed to delivering effective and compassionate resolutions on behalf of our clients.